Sunday, October 12, 2008

Everyday is a Hollyday

I was so excited that Breakfast at Tiffany's was assigned; this is one of my favorite
books. I really enjoy the complexities of Holly Golightly and she is an embodiment of
what we have been discussing in class. Holly is a radical woman, especially in the time
frame that this story was written. She is portratyed to always be in the company of men;
not always sexually but they are always in her presence. Is it that she is "the other", or
is she in control of the situation? I think she is in control, and is impowered by her raw
sexuality. She has the basic instincts to use her beauty and sexuality to take care of
herself financially. She visits Sing Sing every Thursday to support herself; some call it
prostitution, I call it survival.
I enjoy the novella over the movie, because the book protrays Ms.Golightly in a powerful
and in control atmosphere; the movie makes her appear almost naive and flighty.

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